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Curriculum Plus

At The Bolsover School, we firmly believe that student life is about more than attending lessons and achieving academic success. In fact, it should extend far beyond this, allowing students to take the opportunity to experience new activities, developing skills and interests for life.

We want all of our students to leave The Bolsover School having experienced as many enriching opportunities and experiences as possible, in order for them to become well rounded individuals with a variety of interests and hobbies, in addition to a comprehensive academic experience.

We have therefore developed an extensive offer of Curriculum Plus activities that pupils can participate in on a weekly basis and we would encourage each and every student to try to attend at least one of the activities outlined in this Curriculum Plus guide.

We would appreciate it if you could take the time to go through the activities outlined as part of the Curriculum Plus programme and discuss the options available to them. Many of the activities take place during break and lunchtime and so are easily accessible. For any after school activities, we also offer a free mini bus service on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and a place on the late bus must be booked on the day at Student Services.

The after school activities all finish at 4pm.

If you have any queries or questions, please contact Miss Owen -

Late Bus

To allow a greater proportion of students to remain on the school site for Curriculum Plus activities, the school provides minibus transport, through a third party provider.

On a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evening, we provide a free late bus to transport students to the outlying villages after Curriculum Plus sessions have finished.

Any student wishing to utilise the late bus must submit their name and destination to Student Services no later than lunchtime on the day transport home is required, as limited spaces are available.

Please note that the buses may travel around several villages before reaching your own home village. Please do not be alarmed if the journey takes up to 30 minutes from the time of departure.

All pupils remaining on school premises after 3pm are registered and a further register is taken as students are collected by the late bus.