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Local Academy Board

Role of the Governors

Together with the Senior Leadership Team, the governors of the Local Academy Board set the direction for the school and decides how the school budget should be spent.

The Local Academy Board makes decisions collectively on matters such as performance targets, school policies and the school’s improvement plan.  It monitors the impact of policies, reports to parents on the school’s achievements and responds to inspection recommendations.

The Local Academy Board hears appeals from pupils and staff and considers complaints.  It provides the Senior Leadership Team with support and advice, drawing on the governors' knowledge and experience. Governors ask searching questions and respect the Senior Leadership Team’s position as professional leaders of the school.


Please visit the Redhill Academy Trust for more information:

Mr Cuan Jacques (Parent Governor) - Chair of Governors

Type of Governor: Community

Key Position on Governing Body: Chair of Governors

Term of Office: 01/09/2023 to 31/08/2027

Governor of Another Institution: No

Appointed by: LAB/ratified by Trust

SLT Link: Whole School

Named Governor: Safeguarding & Child Protection


Mrs Kristina Flickinger (Parent Governor)

Type of Governor: Parent

Key Position on Governing Body: n/a

Term of Office: 07/12/2022 to 06/12/2026

Governor of Another Institution: No

Appointed by: Parents/ratified by Trust

SLT Link: Health and Safety, SEND, and Quality of Education


Mr Philip Ogden (Community Governor)

Type of Governor: Community

Term of Office: 26/02/2022 to 25/02/2026

Governor of Another Institution: No

Appointed by: LAB/ratified by Trust

SLT Link: Finance



Miss Karolina Tauer (Community Governor)

Type of Governor: Community

Key Position on Governing Body: N/A

Term of Office: 12/07/2023 to 11/07/2027

Appointed by: LAB/ratified by Trust

Named Governor: Careers, Pupil Premium


Mrs Jane Radford (Community Governor)

Type of Governor: Community

Key Position on Governing Body: N/A

Term of Office: 13/07/2022 to 12/07/2026

Appointed by: LAB/ratified by Trust

Governor of Another Institution: No



Mr Steven Hawkins (Community Governor)

Type of Governor: Community

Key Position on Governing Body: Vice Chair of Governors

Term of Office: 07/12/2022 to 06/12/2026

Governor of Another Institution: No

Appointed by: LAB/ratified by Trust

Named Governor: Behaviour


Miss Monique Wharmby (Community Governor)

Type of Governor: Community

Key Position on Governing Body: N/A

Term of Office: 06/12/2023 to 05/12/2027

Governor of Another Institution: No

Appointed by: LAB/ratified by Trust

Named Governor: N/A



Governor Vacancies 

3 x Parent Governors - contact the school for more information

2 x Staff Governor

Redhill Academy Trust Scheme of Delegation 

Recently Resigned Governors

Miss Emma Whapplington (Staff Governor) - resigned 27/11/2023

Mr Rory Abbott (Parent Governor) - resigned 21/11/2023

Ms Laura Watkin (Community Governor) - resigned 31/08/2023

Mr Adam Mercer (Staff Governor) - resigned 31/08/2023

Mrs Christine Redfern (Community Governor) - resigned 4/06/2023

Mr Mark Fletcher (Community Governor) - resigned 22/12/2022

The Redhill Academy Trust Statutory Accounts

Financial Accounts for The Redhill Academy Trust (