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Each house has a ‘Head of House’ who are able to assist in more complicated pastoral situations. However, the majority of pastoral work will be initially responded to by the Subject Teacher and/or the Form Tutor. Please see the ‘Houses’ part of the website for more information. 

Student Wellbeing

At The Bolsover School we believe in nothing but the best for our students and aim to be outstanding in everything that we do. We recognise the importance of the wellbeing of the students that attend our school and endeavour to ensure we can effectively support the students through a multifaceted whole school approach.

Mental Health Support Pathway

The Bolsover School takes the mental health and wellbeing of all staff and students extremely seriously. We recognise that sometimes our young people will require additional support within their day-to-day lives to navigate the complexities they may face throughout their teenage years.

Your child may be experiencing mental health difficulties, they may recognise this themselves, or you yourself could be concerned about their mental health and wellbeing. It could be that a trauma has been experienced that has negatively impacted their mental health, or sometimes there isn’t an obvious reason to explain the difficulties. Either way, recognition, communication and the correct support are three important stages to promote and sustain positive mental health and wellbeing.

If you are concerned about your child’s mental health and wellbeing, the school can offer a range of support. We operate levels of support dependent on the needs of the student and we aim to follow a progressive pathway to ensure the correct support is implemented at the correct time. The diagram below indicates the Mental health and Wellbeing Pathway at The Bolsover School.

The Bolsover School Mental Health and Wellbeing Pathway:








Daily check-ins with Form Tutor

Available to all

Not necessary

Always available

CPOMS for any significant information.


Self help

Available to all

Not necessary

Always available

Offer recorded on CPOMS.


Frequent check-ins with Head of House and/or identified trusted adult

Available to all

Not necessary – can be requested by Form Tutor, Subject Teacher and/or Parent/Carer/Guardian

Always available

CPOMS for any significant information.


Student Support Team

Concerns that cannot be addressed by lower-level interventions

The student can self-refer using the Referral form on the website

A Parent/Carer/Guardian can refer using the Referral form on the website

Form Tutors and/or Head of House can refer a student using an internal Referral form

Determined by the Student Support Team

Records kept by the Student Support Team

CPOMS for any significant information


Changing Lives

Concerns that cannot be addressed by lower-level interventions

A referral will be made by either the Head of House or the Student Support Team

Determined by the Changing Lives Team

Records kept by professionals


Referral to other external agencies (e.g., CAMHS)

Threshold cannot be met long term by school

A referral will be made by either the Head of House or the Student Support Team

Determined by agency

Records kept by professionals


How to get support:

Talk to us: If you require immediate support, please contact your child’s Form Tutor or Head of House to discuss your concern. This can be done either by phone or email. If you do not have the correct contact details, the school reception team will be happy to pass on your details to the appropriate staff member who will get back to you as soon as possible.

Parent/Carer/Guardian: Make a referral: If you feel your child requires support through The Bolsover School Mental Health and Wellbeing Pathway, please complete a: Parent/Carer/Guardian referral form.

Self-refer: If you are a student at The Bolsover School and you yourself have concerns for your own mental health and wellbeing, please complete a: Student self-referral referral form.

Useful Links

General Mental Health Support:

Kooth: Online counselling and support –

Young minds: Mental health support for young people -

Place2Be: Young people’s mental health support -

MindEd: Mental health resources -

Every Mind Matters: NHS resources on everyday mindfulness -

Stem4: Supporting positive teenage mental health -

The Mix: Generalised support for young people –

SHOUT: Crisis text helpline –

Stop.Breathe.Think: 1-1 counselling sessions -

Support for families:

Barnardo’s -

Healios: Mental health, Autism, and ADHD service -

Youth Support Trust: Support via sports and play -

Sleep difficulties:

The Sleep Charity: The national sleep helpine: -

Self-harm and suicidal ideation:

Papyrus: Support surrounding suicidal ideation in young people -

Harmless: Support surrounding self-harm and suicide -


Derbyshire LGBT: Support for LGBT+ or anyone who is having issues with their sexual orientation or gender identity -

Eating difficulties:

Beat: Support and information surrounding disordered eating -

First steps: Local support and information surrounding disordered eating -


Child Bereavement UK: Support surrounding bereavement -

Childhood Bereavement Network: Support surrounding bereavement -

Underage Drinking

Drink Aware -

Online Safety

#OnlineSafetyAtHome -

Approved Apps:

The school recommends and supports the following apps – they are available to download on Apple iPhone and android

Calm Harm: Support surrounding self-harming behaviours

Combined Minds: Support for individuals supporting young people with their mental health

Cove: A musical journal to help support mental health

Clear Fear: A distraction app to support anxiety

Headspace: A mindfulness app

The Bolsover School's Zero Tolerance Approach to Bullying

Our approach to bullying at The Bolsover School is that: any type of bullying is unacceptable.

We define bullying as: Deliberate, hurtful behaviour, either physical or psychological, which is unprovoked and repeated over a period of time.

We encourage students to report any instances where they feel that they are or could be being bullied. This can be to any member of staff in school, however systems in place will undoubtedly lead to input from the student’s Head of House in order to attempt to resolve the issues.

Please refer to the Anti-Bullying Policy under ‘Our School’ à ‘Documents and Policies’ for more comprehensive details of how bullying is dealt with at The Bolsover School.


CEOP stands for Child Exploitation and Online Protection. It is a law enforcement agency that helps to keep children and young people safe from sexual abuse and grooming online. They help thousands of children and young people every year who have been in uncomfortable situations online.

They can provide help and advice and you can make a report through the website if something has happened online that has made you feel unsafe, scared or worried. This could be from someone you know or from a stranger. CEOP take all reports seriously and they will do everything they can to help keep the public safe.

Clicking on the CEOP button on the footer of this website, will redirect you to their webpage.

For more information on Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and online safety including the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) advice follow this link:

Spotting Signs of Hatred and Extremism

Letter to Parents/Carers

The link to the Action Counters Terrorism website can be found here: