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Making the move from primary school to secondary school

We aim to make the transfer to The Bolsover School an exciting and enjoyable time for both children and parents/carers. We understand what a daunting experience this can be, and we believe a close working partnership with all of our feeder primary schools is very important in ensuring the transition is as seamless as possible.

We are very confident that The Bolsover School can provide ‘Nothing but the best’ education, and we are happy for you and your child to visit us and see the school in action at any time – please contact us if you would like a personal tour.

Our staff work closely with our feeder primary schools to ensure we are fully briefed on the needs and challenges facing individual children. This means we have detailed information about each and every child before they even set foot in The Bolsover School which will guarantee they get off to the best possible start in September!

We believe transition is an ongoing process that takes place over several months – it is not simply one visit to the secondary school during the summer term. There is a wide transition programme on offer for all Year 6 students prior to their arrival in September and details of this can be found in our transition timeline.

Need to speak to someone? We're here to help.

Call the school office on 01246 822105 to speak to one of the following members of staff. Or email them direct using the links below:

Mr Topley
Assistant Headteacher/SENCO

Information for Parents

We are happy to announce that our Year 6 transition programme will give all Year 6 children the opportunity to visit The Bolsover School and experience what secondary school is like.

All transition information will be posted on this section of the website, so please keep checking for regular updates. In the meantime, feel free to look through some of the frequently asked questions regarding transition, or read about the advice some of our past students have given regarding transition.

There is also a timeline of events and important dates which will give you some information of what to expect over the coming weeks and months.

If you have any questions or queries regarding your child’s transition from Year 6 to secondary school then please use the contact details above.


The Bolsover School Transition Timeline

Year 5


Year 5 taster day. The transition journey begins! We believe transition starts earlier than Year 6 and our Year 5 taster day gives your child an early experience of secondary education. We want them to come home excited about the transition journey ahead!


Year 6


Year 6 open evening - this is where we showcase why we think The Bolsover School can provide the best education for your child.

Secondary school admission applications open.


Secondary school admission applications deadline is usually at the end of this month.


Your child will be allocated a secondary school place – we hope you will be celebrating that it is The Bolsover School!


Primary schools will provide information about your child and send them to us. We ask for very detailed information to ensure we can prepare fully for their transition.

May to June

The Bolsover School staff members will visit primary schools to meet prospective students.

May / June

A letter will be sent to parents/carers with detailed information and an online registration form is to be completed – this is very important as it gives us the necessary information regarding your child, such as emergency contact details or any medical conditions. Parents/carers are also asked to complete online consent forms.


Your child will find out what house they are in. They will receive a personal letter from their new Head of House!


Form tutors will make contact with parents/carers. This will be a personal phone call to introduce themselves as your child’s new form tutor.

Year 6 students have their last day at primary school and break up for summer!

6 week holidays

A summer transition booklet will be issued to all Year 6 students. This contains a variety of fun, subject-based challenges keeping them busy over the 6 weeks but also preparing them for secondary education.


Year 7


Contact will be made home for every Year 7 student in the first few weeks of term to let you know how they are settling in and answer any questions or concerns you might have.


Year 7 Welcome Parents Evening - an opportunity to meet the people who will be responsible for your child’s education over the next 5 years.

This is where the transition journey ends, as your child is now a happy and confident student of The Bolsover School!