The Bolsover School is rated as "Good" by Ofsted
High expectations
"Pupils are proud to attend The Bolsover School" Ofsted, 2021
Widening experiences
Trustworthy, Brave, and Successful
Nothing but the best
At The Bolsover School we believe in nothing but the best for our students and aim to be outstanding in everything that we do. We are ambitious about all that we do and focus our work on improving the academic attainment of all our students. A relentless focus in securing high academic outcomes for students is at the heart of everything we do at this school.
It’s a privilege to be involved in such a motivated, pupil centred school.
I have attended several careers events, and this was, by some way, the most well organised that I have attended and involved the highest standard of students I have interacted with. It’s obvious to me that there is a clear strategy & focus on careers at The Bolsover School, which is being positively reinforced by leadership.
I didn't know what to expect on her first day, but she couldn't wait. Her words when she came home were "best day ever!". Thank you for making her feel like she belongs.
A huge thank you for everything that school are doing for the children with regards to home learning. All staff have been very quick and responsive to any emails I’ve sent and the comments left on my child's work have been nothing but positive.
I would like you to pass on my thanks and appreciation to all the staff who have been involved in the running and organisation of the Duke of Edinburgh award which culminated in the expedition over the weekend. My girls have really enjoyed the course and have learned some important skills along the way. This would not have been possible without your staff giving up their very precious free time
Parent about the Duke of Edinburgh Award
Your school and staff continue to amaze me. Mr Lee has given my son some incredible support, I couldn’t ask for anymore!
Sincere thank you for your extremely kind donation of food to our food bank which will help families in need that we are working with. Your generous act enables our organisation to continue supporting those people struggling with poverty.
Freedom Community Project
21 Jul
Take a look at 8Y3's coastal feature diagrams! This geography class have done fantastic work on caves, arches and stacks this week and have created these amazing diagrams using different types of paper. Well done 8Y3!
04 Jul
We’re in the customer vote for a Tesco Community Grant! It’s a scheme which gives grants of up to £1,500, which we intend to use to buy new books for our library. Customers can vote in the Tesco at Clowne until the end of September, so please vote for us next time you shop there!
28 Jun
The English department has arrived in rainbow colours today to celebrate Pride by choosing some of their favourite LGBTQ+ books! They recommend reading the following books: Simon VS The Homo Sapiens Agenda, Lies We Tell Ourselves and The Art of Being Normal!